Our Coaches Make The Difference
The soccer club will implement the Long Term Player Development (LTPD) as its coaching philosophy, which puts emphasis on having fun, good sportsmanship and the physical development of the players.
A team of experienced coaches with head coach Will Jeannot, alumnus of several soccer clubs in the Ottawa area (the Ottawa Maples Soccer Club, the Capital's Ambassadors, the Ottawa Falcons, the Ottawa South United and the National Capital Industrial Soccer League, and a promising talent in the FICA (Football Inter Club Association).
Native of the Antilles, the head coach had the opportunity to play with and against several players that have played in the France league, in the first division.
He was also a coach in several Ottawa leagues and clubs such as the Ottawa Carleton Soccer League (OSCL), the Ottawa South United, the Ottawa Carleton Football League (OCFL), and the Ottawa Ambassadors.
An adapted program for each age group has been developed by soccer professional to insure a quality teaching and coaching will be provided to the players.
The coaches will use these pre-developed sessions to provide quality teaching and coaching as well as a lot of support and guidance.